Love and Friendship

Love is a beautiful thing. It can be destructive too. Friendship is just like love. One sided love will not work out. Ladies, if you like him, tell him. Guys will not understand your subtle hints. Don’t worry about rejection. There are plenty out there who would die to have you. Friends come and go. Being lonely can sometimes be better than being in a destructive friendship. No one would want to listen to your story. Even when you are gathered together you feel alone which should not be the case. You should be able to be yourself when you are surrounded by true friends. They do not put you down. They do not discriminate you. You are you. Friends don’t try to change you. They embrace your flaws. They keep your secrets. Not betray you. You cannot wait to spend every second with them and when it is time to say good bye, you can’t wait to see them again. Choose your friends wisely. You are the average of the top 5 people you spend your time with. Cut out those toxic people are start spending quality time with people who actually cares.

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